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[MySQL] Select All SQL > Basic Select > Select All Problem Query all columns (attributes) for every row in the CITY table. The CITY table is described as follows: My Answer SELECT * FROM CITY 2021. 3. 27.
[MySQL] Revising the Select Query II SQL > Basic Select > Revising the Select Query II Problem Query the NAME field for all American cities in the CITY table with populations larger than 120000. The CountryCode for America is USA. The CITY table is described as follows: My Answer SELECT NAME FROM CITY WHERE POPULATION > 120000 AND COUNTRYCODE = 'USA' 2021. 3. 26.
[MySQL] Revising the Select Query I SQL > Basic Select > Revising the Select Query I Problem Query all columns for all American cities in the CITY table with populations larger than 100000. The CountryCode for America is USA. The CITY table is described as follows: My Answer SELECT * FROM CITY WHERE POPULATION > 100000 AND COUNTRYCODE = 'USA' 2021. 3. 26.
[Android] 동적 RecyclerView와 정적 RecyclerView 연결하기 [상황] 버튼을 나타낼 가로 RecyclerView(정적)와 메세지를 나타낼 세로 RecyclerView(동적)가 있음 == 버튼 RecyclerView에서 한 버튼을 누르면 해당 버튼이 가지고 있는 텍스트를 메세지 RecyclerView에서 나타냄 화면.xml recycler_chatting_chats : 메세지 RecyclerView (동적) recycler_chatting_msg_btn : 버튼 RecyclerView (정적) [새로 알게 된 것] android:clipToPadding = "false" : 스크롤 영역은 유지한 채로 여백을 줄 수 있음 일반 padding 속성을 주면 RecyclerView가 보여지는 영역 자체가 줄어든다. 하지만 clipToPadding을 사용하면 스크롤 내부에 .. 2021. 3. 21.